Skate-Tec M-Wave 180

Tube: 7000 Aluminum anodized tube Pillar height: 38mm Blade: 1,1mm thick 62HRC Powder Metal Pre-bent Stiffness: Hard


Skate-Tec M-Wave 180

SKU N/A Kategória


M-Style Forks

Unique for the M-Wave are its ‘M’ shaped forks. The construction allows for a better transfer of the high loads while skating. They also distribute the stiffness more evenly over the tube. This results in higher stability and therefor more speed.

Flex VS Firm

flex radius

The Flex tube is thinner at the bottom of the tube. Less material near the blade lets the blade bend more into the corner, providing a more dynamic behavior. Flex tubes are more suited for lighter skaters.

Firm radius

The Firm tube has a bit more material at the bottom of the tube. This makes the skate stiffer, so it can keep its bend with higher forces. Firm tubes are more suited for heavier skaters.

Comparison of Firm and Flex blade stiffness/bend

Standard vs Flattop

Standard vs Flattop comparison

The standard tubes have a higher cross section in the middle of the tube. This makes a standard tube stiffer in the normal direction. A standard tube will hold its rocker more.

The Flattop tubes are more flexible because of the lower cross section. The flattop tubes will therefore bend more when loaded. This causes the rocker to become flatter under load.

M-Wave bend




M-Wave height comparison

The trend in shorttrack is to go higher. Cups of +10mm are not a rarity anymore. The M-Wave Firm is therefore by default 5mm higher than normal. The M-Wave Flex is by default 3mm higher. Height is measured based on the default cup height of the Nagano, which is similar to other brands.


További információk

Penge méret

14,50", 15,00", 15,25", 15,50", 15,75", 16,00", 16,25", 16,50", 16,75", 17,00", 17,25"

Penge Típus

Firm, Firm Bi-M, Firm Flat Top, Firm PM, Flex Bi-M, Flex Flat Top, Flex PM, Standard


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