


SKU N/A Kategória


Using years of experience gained from creating Evo blades, we’ve taken the Quantum to the next level. With a more flexible blade that provides extra feel and feedback, this product is perfect for skaters. Highest-grade aluminum and steel sourced from the Netherlands and Austria are used for construction, and PM or Bi-metal steel runners are hand-selected. Further engineering and cup construction are done at Netherlands-based Hagen Techniek, and customization is available in various heights.

További információk

Penge méret

14,00", 14,50", 15,00", 15,50", 16,00", 16,25", 16,50", 16,75", 17,00", 17,25", 17,50", 17,75", 18,00"

Bázis színek

kék, Rózsaszín

Penge Típus

bi-metal, Full PM


0, No Cups, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


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